Evolving Our Care and Support for Families During Pregnancy:
New Paradigm, Guiding Principles, and Strategies
A 2-Day Workshop with Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty
Monterrey, Mexico • February 22 – 23, 2018
“The difference between thriving and surviving begins in the womb.”
— Drs. McCarty and Glenn
The prenatal period is the most powerful developmental period in a person’s life. Prenatal and perinatal psychology has been intensely studying this period from the baby’s point of view for decades. The findings call for us to evolve and expand our understandings and practices. Read more
March 2018 Live Webinar Series with Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty
/in Events /by Wendy Anne McCarty, PhDA Special Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology (PPN) Live Webinar Series: PPN Therapeutic Play With Babies and Kids Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty Hosted by Kate White, APPPAH Education Co-Director Discount Early Registration Until February 8, 2018
February 2018 In-Person Workshop in Monterrey, Mexico with Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty
/in Events /by Wendy Anne McCarty, PhDEvolving Our Care and Support for Families During Pregnancy:
New Paradigm, Guiding Principles, and Strategies
A 2-Day Workshop with Dr. Wendy Anne McCarty
Monterrey, Mexico • February 22 – 23, 2018
“The difference between thriving and surviving begins in the womb.”
— Drs. McCarty and Glenn
Bridging The Mental Divide in Early Development Education, Training, and Care Programs
/in Blog /by Wendy Anne McCarty, PhDAs professionals working and researching within both the prenatal and infancy domains of human development and psychology, it became clear to us that a mental divide still exists in our culture and professional practice that separates the prenatal world from that of infancy. Professionals are trained to work within one domain or the other; agencies and services are funded for one or the other. Until now there has not been a logical reason to do otherwise. However, we see a shift on the horizon. Read more
Beginner’s Mind: What Babies Are Teaching Us
/in Blog /by Wendy Anne McCarty, PhDPrenatal and perinatal psychology (PPN) has been immersed for over 40 years in learning about our earliest human experiences and how those early experiences set in motion our fundamental life patterns. What is unique about the PPN field of study and clinical work is that, at its core, it arises from and values understanding early development from the baby’s point of view Read more