
Dad and Mom with newborn

When We Enter Baby’s Multidimensional World…

For 30 years, I have had the privilege of working with babies and families through the consciousness-based paradigm lens of who babies are and how we can best welcome and support them. When we enter their multidimensional world with reverence and receptivity, we awaken greater love, awe, and avenues to nurture the baby’s human potential from the beginning of life. Babies’ experiences pre-conception through birth and bonding set in motion their fundamental life-patterns. I have seen babies and families move from survival to thriving by learning how to tap into their greater consciousness potential together as a family. Read more

Therapeutic Play with Babies and Children: Transforming Difficult Prenatal and Birth Experiences Together

In 1990, I opened my psychotherapy practice to families with young children who were having difficulties in their lives. Even though their symptoms and behaviors covered a wide range, they all had something in common – something had not gone well during their prenatal, birth, or newborn experience, and the child and family had never really gotten over it. I began specializing in therapeutic child center family play therapy as a way to work with those very early experiences.

The children taught me a great deal over the years. If we slowed down and allowed the child to lead us in the play, they would reveal their accurate memories and reactions to what had happened while they were in the womb or as a newborn. And with intentional play, we could elegantly help them heal and the whole family experienced more closeness and positive feelings together.  Read more