Weinstein, A. (2016). Prenatal Development and Parents Lived Experiences. New York, NY: WW Norton.
Available at Amazon.com.
McCarty, W. A. (2013). O Extraordinário Mundo Interior dos Bebês: Do Útero ao Berço. Brazil: Grupo Editoral Pensamento. (Portuguese translation of Welcoming Consciousness–2012.)
Available here or at amazon.com.
McCarty, W. A. (2013). Ich bin Bewusstsein: Babys von Anfang an als ganzheitliche Wesen willkommen heißen. Ein integratives Modell frühkindlicher Entwicklung. Germany: Innenwelt Verlag.
(German translation of Welcoming Consciousness–2012.)
Available at Amazon.de (print and ebook).
McCarty, W. A. (2012). Welcoming consciousness: Supporting babies’ wholeness from the beginning of life–An integrated model of early development. Santa Barbara, CA: Wondrous Beginnings Publishing.
Available at amazon.com.
McCarty, W. A. (2010). Supporting human potential and optimal relationships from the beginning of life: Twelve guiding principles of the primary period. In M. Shea (Ed.), Biodynamic craniosacral therapy, (Vol. 3, pp. 201-208). Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
Available at Amazon.com.
McCarty, W.A. & Glenn, M. (2008). Investing in human potential from the beginning of life: Keys to maximizing human capital. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health, 23 (2), 117-135.
McCarty, W. A. (2018, Fall). 12 guiding principles–prenatal and perinatal psychology: Nurturing human potential and optimizing relationships from the beginning of life. Pathways to Family Wellness, 58, 13-15.
Download a copy here.
McCarty, W. A. (December 17, 2018). 12 guiding principles–prenatal and perinatal psychology: Nurturing Human Potential and Optimizing Relationships from the beginning of life. International Journal of Healing and Care.
McCarty, W. A. & Glenn, M. (2019). 12 guiding principles–prenatal and perinatal psychology: Nurturing Human Potential and Optimizing Relationships from the beginning of life. Somatic Psychotherapy Today. Retrieved from:
McCarty, W. A. & Glenn, M. (March 25, 2019). 12 ways to nurture babies potential at conception, birth, and beyond. Psychology Today: Darcia F. Narvaez blog.